An annotated bibliography is a list of the sources you have used or will use for an assignment. Each entry in the list is accompanied by an explanation of its usefulness for your work. This explanation is what differentiates an annotated bibliography from a normal bibliography.
Your annotated bibliography should contain the following:
A citation for each of the works you used.
An annotation describing each work’s relationship to your research.
The content of your annotations will vary according to assignment guidelines. Your instructor may require you to:
Describe a source’s content.
Identify a source’s main argument(s) (i.e. thesis, hypothesis, research question).
Evaluate the strengths or weakness of a source’s argument(s).
Assess the reliability of a source (for help with this, consult the PAARC Test on the Evaluating information: The PAARC test page of our Performing academic research LibGuide).
Explain a source’s relevance to your research or argument.
Please pay careful attention to your assignment requirements – not all annotated bibliographies contain the same information! The requirements of your assignment always overrule anything we mention here.
Each entry in an annotated bibliography will have two parts. They are:
Example - With a description of the source's content:
Eigen, Joel Peter. Unconscious Crime: Mental Absence and Criminal Responsibility in Victorian London. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. Ebook Central.
Eigen examines the effects of the McNaughton trial and its resulting 1843 legal rules on criminal cases at London’s Old Bailey between 1843 and 1876. The book further explores the impact of the era’s various preoccupations with altered consciousness, such as in Mesmerism, somnambulism and hypnotism, as well as their impact on legal proceedings.
Note: Always follow your instructor’s requirements for the content of your annotations. Do not assume that you are only supposed to provide a summary of the source. Many instructors also require you to provide some analysis of the source and/or a discussion of the author(s) and their credentials.