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Citation Styles Guide: Footnotes and endnotes

This guide is intended to help students with the different citation styles used at the College.

The notes and bibliography citation style system

The type of Chicago Manual of Style citation that is used at the College is the “Notes - Bibliography” (NB) system, which uses in-text footnotes or endnotes, combined with a Bibliography at the end of the paper. The examples you will see here follow the NB system.

Notes: General formatting (Style manual sections 14.24 to 14.28)

When do you use a note?

In the Notes and Bibliography (NB) system of Chicago Style, you include a note any time you quote, paraphrase, or summarize any information from a source, no matter what format that source takes. You have the option to use footnotes or endnotes. In terms of content, they are identical. In terms of placement in the text, footnotes appear at the end of the page where you used that source, while endnotes appear at the end of your paper, before your Bibliography. Generally speaking, most teachers at the College prefer footnotes to endnotes for their ease of use, since they place all the relevant information for a source on the same page as the original reference. Whichever form you choose to use, be consistent about using footnotes or endnotes throughout the entire paper. Never use both in the same paper. Ask your teacher if you are not sure if s/he prefers that you use footnotes or endnotes for your paper.

Placing a note in the text

When you use footnotes or endnotes, you place a superscript number at the end of the sentence where you used the information from another source, or, if you are using a direct quotation from the text, immediately following the quotation. A superscript number is a small number that appears slightly above the line of text. Your notes always start at one with the first note in the paper and increase by one for each new note (e.g.: 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on).

example: By linking his work to the memory of the martyred president, Whitman was able to salvage his respectability.1

Contents of a note

If you are using footnotes, at the bottom of that same page, you begin your footnote with the same number as the one that appears in the paper, followed by all of the relevant bibliographic information. Chicago recommends that the note number is not presented in superscript at the bottom of the page, but it will accept superscript numbers if that is what is used by the footnotes function of your word processor (this is the case for MS Word, for example). The note should include the full names of the author(s), the title of the source, the facts of publication (publisher, date, volumes, etc. . .), and relevant page numbers. Each element will be separated by a comma or by parentheses, according to the specific NB rules for that type of source. Here is a general example of what a note will look like. The specific formatting for different types of sources is detailed later on in this guide.

example: 1. Susan M. Ryan, “Stowe, Byron, and the Art of Scandal,” American Literature 83, no. 1 (2011): 61-62.

If you are using endnotes, all of the same information and formatting as in the footnote example shown above will also appear in your note, but the note will appear as part of a list of all the notes you’ve made in your paper, at the end of the paper, prefaced by the centered title “Notes.” It is not necessary to begin a new page for your endnotes.

Citing multiple sources in the same sentence

Sometimes, you may refer to two or more sources in the same sentence. In these cases, only put one superscript number at the end of the sentence and place the information for all of the sources used in the sentence in the same note. Separate the information for each source with a semicolon ";".

A work with two or three authors

With a work that has up to three authors, list the full names of all of the authors in the order they appear in the work for a full note, or the last names of all of the authors in a short form note. Place a comma between each author's name in the list and insert "and" before the last author's name in both the full and short forms.

A work with four or more authors

With a work that has four or more authors, only list the first author's name, followed by et al. List the author's full name for a full note and just the author's last name for a short form note.

A work with no known author

If the author of your work is unknown, begin your note with the title of the work. Do not place "Anonymous" where the author would normally go in the note. For the shortened note format, just include the abbreviated title of the work and the relevant page number(s).

Using footnotes and endnotes in Microsoft Word

If you are using Word, footnotes and endnotes can be added using the “Insert Footnote” or “Insert Endnote” buttons in the “References” tab. This will automatically add the superscript numbering to your text, place the notes at the bottom of the page or end of the paper, and track the numbering for all your notes. Most other word processors, such as Open Office or Pages, have similar functions.

Notes: Shortened notes (Style manual sections 14.29 to 14.36)

The 17th edition of Chicago Style Notes and Bibliography citation uses something called a  "shortened note" to reduce the amount of information that you need to put in your notes. The first time you reference a source, you still have to give a full note with all the necessary information about the source. However, for every note for that source after the first note, you may use the shortened note format, which usually only includes the last name(s) of the author(s) of the source, the title of the source, and any relevant page numbers.


1. David Levithan, Boy Meets Boy (New York, Ember, 2003), 101.    (first note - full format)

2, Levithan, Boy Meets Boy, 150.    (second note for the same source - shortened format)


Using "Ibid"

In 17th edition, the using "Ibid" for multiple citations from the same source if discouraged. Use the shortened note format instead. You can further shorten the note to just the author and the page number when using the same source multiple times in a row.


1. David Levithan, Boy Meets Boy (New York, Ember, 2003), 101.      (first note - full format)

2. Levithan, Boy Meets Boy, 150.     (second note for the same source - shortened format)

3. Levithan, 152.     (third consecutive note for the same source - shortened, shortened format)

4. Levithan, 156.     (fourth consecutive note for the same source - shortened, shortened format)

If you reference a different source between notes for a source that you're using multiple times, you will have to return to the full shortened note format (Author, Title, page number) for the next time you use the first source.


1. David Levithan, Boy Meets Boy (New York, Ember, 2003), 101.     (first note - full format)

2. Levithan, Boy Meets Boy, 150.    (second note for the same source - shortened format)

3. Levithan, 152.    (third consecutive note for the same source - shortened, shortened format)

4. Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 52. (first note for a different source - full format)

5. Levithan, Boy Meets Boy, 107.   (non-consecutive note for the same source - shortened format)

Notes: Secondary sources (Style manual section 14.260)

Whenever possible, always use the original source for any information you use in your essay. However, sometimes it isn't possible to find the original source (e.g. the source is out of print, unavailable through the Library, or not available in a language you can read). In those cases, Chicago Style allows you to cite the information from what it calls a Secondary Source. A secondary source is a book, article, etc, that quotes or references a piece of information, but is not the original source of that information. When citing a secondary source of information in a note, you must list the original source and the secondary source in your note, linked together with "quoted in".

example (full note): 3. "Miriam, Star of Venice," Drum, October 1959, 65, quoted in Ruth Feldstein, How it Feels to Be Free: Black women entertainers and the Civil Rights Movement (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 56.

example (short form): 4. "Miriam", 65, quoted in Feldstein, How it Feels, 56.

In the examples, the October 1959 issue of Drum magazine is the original source of the quote about Miriam Makeba. Since we couldn't find a copy of Drum, we used a book by Feldstein, which is where we first found the quote. The information about the issue of Drum magazine in question and the page number where the information originally appeared was taken from the in-text notes included in How it Feels to Be Free.

Note: We are citing from a secondary source that is a book (How it Feels to Be Free), which quotes a primary source that is a magazine article ("Miriam, Star of Venice" from Drum magazine). When you cite a primary and secondary source, always use the formatting for the type of source (book, magazine, etc. . . see below for examples of each type) for both the primary source and the secondary source when constructing your note. In other words, if your primary source is a book and your secondary source is a journal article, use the book note formatting for the first part of your note and the journal article note formatting for the second part of your note. You can mix any formats like this to fit your needs, as long as you remember to link the two formats with "quoted in."

Notes: Journals (Style manual sections 14.168 to 14.187)

A journal article (print)

Use the following format for any journal article you find in print.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume number, no. Issue number (Year of publication): Page number.

Full note example:

1. Lilia Shevtsova, “The Next Russian Revolution,” Current History 111, no. 747 (2012): 252.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Title of Article," Page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Shevtsova, "'The Next Russian Revolution,'" 253.


A journal article (electronic, with a DOI)

Chicago prefers that you include a DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, for a journal article whenever possible. DOIs are unique numbers that are assigned to individual articles to make them easily findable by anyone. Usually, they will start with a 10, followed by a period, followed by a unique string of numbers and letters. When including a DOI in a Chicago-style note, add "" to the beginning of the DOI if it is not already present. This turns the DOI into a usable URL that will take the reader to an online version of the article.

Full note format:

1. Author(s)  First Name Last Name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume number, no. Issue number (Year of publication): Page number,

Full note example:

1. Susan M. Ryan, “Stowe, Byron, and the Art of Scandal,” American Literature 83, no. 1 (2011): 61-62,

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Title of Article," Page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Ryan, "Stowe, Byron," 63.


A journal article (electronic, no DOI, from an open, online source)

When a journal article doesn't have a DOI but can be found for free online (for example, from an open access journal), include a stable URL link to the article. 

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume number, no. Issue number (Year of publication): Page number, URL.

Full note example:

1. John D. Niles, “Editing Beowulf: What Can Study of the Ballads Tell Us?” Oral Tradition 9, no. 2 (1994): 441,

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Title of Article," Page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Niles, "Editing Beowulf," 444.


A journal article (electronic, no DOI, from a library database)

If you use an article from one of the Library's journal databases and that article does not have a DOI, Chicago recommends including the name of the database instead of a stable URL link to the article. This is because a link to an article in a database will only work for anyone that has access to that specific database, and usually only after they have logged in to the database. Listing the name of the database instead makes it easier for your reader to figure out where to go to find the article.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume number, no. Issue number (Year of publication): Page number, Name of Database.

Full note example:

1. Eric Jennings, “'Reinventing Jeanne': The Iconology of Joan of Arc in Vichy Schoolbooks, 1940-44,” Journal of Contemporary History 29, no. 4 (1994): 730, JSTOR.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Title of Article," Page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Jennings, "'Reinventing Jeanne,'" 728.


Notes: Books (Style manual sections 14.100 to 14.163)

A print book

Use for books consulted in print.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Full note example:

1. David Levithan, Boy Meets Boy (New York: Ember, 2003), 101.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, Short Main Title, page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Levithan, Boy Meets Boy, 150.


A specific edition of a book other than the first

Use for a book that has a listed edition other than the first edition. For numbered editions (e.g. second, third, fourth), list the number with the appropriate suffix (e.g. 2nd, 3rd, 4th). Use the "ed." abbreviation for "edition."

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Book, Edition information (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Full note example:

1. John P. McKay, et al., A History of Western Society, 12th concise ed. (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2017), 207.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, Short Main Title, page number.

Shortened note example:

1. McKay, A History, 210.


A book with an editor instead of an author

Use this format for books where a specific editor or editors are considered to be primarily responsible for the book instead of an author or authors.

Full note format:

1. Editor(s) First Name Last Name, ed(s)., Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Full note example:

1. Lauren Goodlad, and Michael Bibby, eds., Goth: Undead Subculture (Durham: Duke University Press, 2007), 66.

Shortened note format:

1. Editor(s) Last Name, Short Title of Book, page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Goodlad and Bibby, Goth, 68.


An eBook (from a free online source)

An eBook that was found online from a free source should include a stable URL link to that source at the end of the note.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number, URL.

Full note example:

1. Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the World (London: George Routledge and Sons, 1880), 71,

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, Short Title of Book, page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Swift, Gulliver's Travels, 88.


An eBook (from a Library database)

As with a journal article from a Library database, Chicago instructs us to include the name of the database where the eBook was found instead of a URL link, so that the reader knows which database to access in order to find the book.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number, Title of Database.

Full note example:

1. Joel Peter Eigen, Unconscious Crime: Mental Absence and Criminal Responsibility in Victorian London (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003), 67, Ebook Central.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, Short Title of Book, page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Eigen, Unconscious Crime, 105.


An eBook (requiring a specific application or device)

eBooks that have been purchased from online sellers, such as Apple iBooks, Amazon Kindle, or Google Play Books, often require specific software or devices to be read. As a result, Chicago recommends that you add the name of the app used to acquire or read the book, in order to make it easier for your readers to find.

In addition, many books that are read through an app do not have set page numbers. In those cases, do not list the page numbers used on your particular device, as they will change based on screen sizes of different devices and other screen settings. Instead, Chicago recommends that you instead cite chapter numbers, section headings, or, if they are numbered, paragraphs in your notes. Abbreviate "chapter" as "chap."

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year of publication), chapter, section, or paragraph number, Application used.

Full note example:

1. Alice Waters, Coming to My Senses: The Making of a Counterculture Cook (New York: Clarkson Potter, 2017), chap. 3, iBooks.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, Short Title of Book, chapter, section, or paragraph number.

Shortened note example:

1. Waters, Coming to My Senses, chap. 7.


A translated book

Use for a book that has been translated from one language to another.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Book, trans. Translator First Name Last Name (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Full note example:

1. Albert Camus, The Stranger, trans. Matthew Ward (New York: Vintage Books, 1989), 10.

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) Last Name, Short Title of Book, page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Camus, Stranger, 36.


A chapter in an edited book or work in an anthology

Use when you are only citing a specific chapter from a edited book of chapters by various authors, or if you are only citing from a specific work (short story, poem, etc.) in an anthology.

Full note format:

1. Chapter Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Chapter Title,” in Title of Book, ed. Editor First Name Last Name (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Full note example:

1. Anne Verjus, “Gender, Sexuality, and Political Culture,” in A Companion to the French Revolution, ed. Peter McPhee (Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2012), 199.

Shortened note format:

1. Chapter Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Chapter Title," page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Verjus, "Gender, Sexuality," 200.

Notes: Reference articles (Style manual sections 14.232 to 14.234)

Because most reference works are organized alphabetically, Chicago style citation requests that you use the abbreviation “s.v.”, which is short for the Latin sub verbo, meaning “under the word," in the place of page numbers when creating footnotes or endnotes. If the title of the entry has multiple words, use "s.vv." (an "s" with two "v"s, not an "s" with a "w") instead of "s.v." You’ll notice that, unlike other types of sources, the title of the particular article is placed at the end of a footnote or endnote. Finally, only the reference work as a whole is cited in your bibliography.

An unsigned reference article (print)

Many reference articles, especially shorter articles, will not have an author attributed to them. These are normally called "unsigned articles," and they are cited in your notes using the following format.

Full note format:

1.Title of Reference Work, ed. Editor(s) First Name Last Name, edition if not the first (City: Publisher, Year of publication), s.v. “Title of Article.”

Full note example:

1. Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph R. Strayer (New York: Scribner, 1983), s.v. “Church, early.”

Shortened note format:

1. Shortened Title of Reference Work, s.v. "Title of Article."

Shortened note example:

1. Dictionary of the Middle Ages, s.v. "Church, early."


An unsigned reference article (online)

For an unsigned reference article from an online reference source, there is no need to include an editor, edition, city of publication, publisher, or year of publication in the note. Instead, include either a "last modified" date to reflect the last time the article was updated, or, if a last modified date is not available, list the date where you last accessed the article. Always include a stable URL to the specific entry referenced in the full note. A shortened note, used only for repeated reference to a reference work, does not need the URL.

Note format:

1. Title of Reference Work, s.v. “title of article,” last modified Month Day, Year modified OR accessed Month Day, Year accessed, URL for entry.

Note example:

1. A Dictionary of World History, s.v. “French Revolution,” last modified 2015,

Shortened note format:

1. Title of Reference Work, s.v. "Shortened Title of Article."

Shortened note example:

1. A Dictionary of World History, s.v. "French Revolution."


A signed reference article (print)

A signed reference article is any article from a reference work that is signed by an individual author. Usually the author will be listed at the very end of the article, and you will usually only see signed articles in reference works that have long, detailed entries that include interpretation. A signed reference article is cited much in the same way as a chapter in an edited book. Unlike a chapter in an edited book, however, since reference articles are usually arranged alphabetically according the the title of the article in the book itself, it is not necessary to include page numbers.

Full note format:

1. Reference Article Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Reference Article Title,” in Title of Book, ed. Editor(s) First Name Last Name, edition if not the first (City: Publisher, Year of publication).

Full note example:

1. Angela D. Hickey, “The Great Gatsby,” in Masterplots, ed. Laurence W. Mazzeno, 4th ed. (Pasadena: Salem Press, 2011).

Shortened note format:

1. Reference Article Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Reference Article Title."

Shortened note example:

1. Hickey, "The Great Gatsby."


A signed reference article (online)

A signed article from an online reference source should also include a "last modified" date for the article in addition to any publication date for the general work, if available. If a last modified date is available, it is not necessary to include a date accessed. This should be followed by a stable URL link to the article. The shortened note, used only for repeated reference to that particular signed article in the reference work, does not need the URL.

Note format:

1. Reference Article Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Reference Article Title,” in Title of Book, ed. Editor(s) First Name Last Name, edition if not the first (City: Publisher, Year of publication), last modified Month Day, Year modified, URL for entry.

Note example:

1. John Baffes, "Coffee Industry," in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, ed.  William A. Darity, Jr., 2nd ed. (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008),

Shortened note format:

1. Reference Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Title of Article."

Shortened note example:

1. Baffes, "Coffee Industry."

Notes: Websites (Style manual sections 14.205 to 14.210)

A page from a website

Use the following format when citing any page from a website. Even if you are using multiple pages from a single website, each page used should be cited separately in your notes in order to make it clear to your reader exactly where your information came from.

Note: Names of websites, unlike other types of resources are NOT italicized.

Note: Blogs or articles from online news sources are cited differently from pages on general websites. See below for details.

Full note format:

1.“Title or Description of Specific Web Page,” Title or Description of Website, Owner or Sponsor of website, last modified Month Day, Year, URL.

Full note example:

1. "iPhone X: Say Hello to the Future," Apple Canada, Apple Inc., last modified 2017,

Shortened note format:

1. "Short Title or Description of Specific Web Page," Short Title or Description of Web Site.

Shortened note example:

1. "iPhone X," Apple Canada.


A blog

A blog is a website consisting of a series of posted entries organized by date or topic. Often entries carry individual titles and are signed by an author. Because the author can be significant when citing an individual blog entry, a blog is treated differently in notes than a page on a general website. In addition, unlike a general website, titles of blogs are italicized. If the blog is part of a larger publication (e.g. The New York Times), you should also include the name of that publication, in italics.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) of Blog Post First Name Last Name, “Title or Blog Post,” Title of Blog, Title of Larger Publication (if available), Month Day Year Posted, URL.

Full note example:

1. Allan Metcalf, "Appalachian English," Lingua Franca, The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 16, 2017,

Shortened note format:

1. Blog Author(s) Last Name, "Short Title of Blog Post."

Shortened note example:

1. Metcalf, "Appalachian English."


An article from an online news source

An online news source includes websites for any news organization. This can include websites for newspapers (e.g. The Globe and Mail, or The Gazette), television or radio news sources (e.g. the CBC or Radio-Canada websites), or independent news websites (e.g. The Huffington Post). Often articles on online news sources will carry the name of the individual author of the article. Because the author can be significant when citing a news article, the article is treated differently in notes than a page on a general website. In addition, unlike a general website, titles of online news sources are italicized (e.g. The New York Times).

Full note format:

1. Author(s) of News Article First Name Last Name, “Title or News Article,” Title of News Website, Month Day Year Posted, URL.

Full note example:

1. Kathleen Harris, "'Our Collective Shame': Trudeau Delivers Historic Apology to LGBT Canadians," CBC News, November 28, 2017,

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) of News Article Last Name, "Short Title of Article."

Shortened note example:

1. Harris, "'Our Collective Shame.'"


A social media post

You can cite publicly available content shared via any social media platform according to the following guidelines.You should prefer the real name of a poster whenever possible, followed by the screen name in parentheses. However, if a real name is not available, the screen name may be used in place of a real name.

Private content, including direct messages not visible to anyone outside of the immediate conversation, is instead considered to be personal communication, and should be cited as such.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) of Post's First Name Last Name (Screen Name), "Text of the post (up to 160 characters, including spaces)," Name of Social Media Platform and descriptor of post type (if necessary), Month Day, Year posted, URL.

Full note example:

1. Craig Ferguson (@CraigyFerg), "Ack! Accidentally swallowed a fly. Looking for spider & hoping this doesn’t lead to crazy run of binge eating," Twitter, October 18, 2017,

Shortened note format:

1. Author(s) of Post's Last Name, "Short version of tweet (4 words max)."

Shortened note example:

1. Ferguson, "Ack! Accidentally swallowed."

Notes: Films and television (Style manual section 14.265)

A feature film or documentary (Blu-ray, DVD, or VHS)

The same basic format is used for a feature-length film or a documentary. Directors should be listed as primarily responsible for the film, unless your essay specifically discusses the work of the screenwriters, performers, etc. . ., in which case, you would put them in place of the director's name. The name of the director would then go immediately after the title, preceded by "directed by." Include both the original release date of the film as well as the release date of the version of the film that you used. This is to distinguish between different releases of the film that may have included different special features. Finally, include the running time of the film in minutes, with "minutes" abbreviated as "min."

Full note format:

1. Director(s) First Name Last Name, dir., Title of Film or Documentary (Original Release Date of the film; City: Distributor, Release Date of Blu-ray, DVD or VHS copy), Format, Running Time.

Full note example:

1. Jean-Luc Godard, dir., Breathless, (1960; New York: Criterion, 2007), DVD, 90 min.

Shortened note format:

1. Director(s) Last Name, Shortened Title of Film or Documentary.

Shortened note example:

1. Godard, Breathless.


A feature film or documentary (electronic file or streamed from an online database)

For a film or documentary that was either purchased as an electronic file from a source such as iTunes or Google Play, or streamed from an online database such as Films on Demand or Criterion On-Demand, the citation format is relatively similar to the one used for a film on DVD or Blu-ray. For the format, include the name of the database or online store, in italics, along with the word "video." Then, after you list the running time, include a URL link to the film.

Full note format:

1. Director(s) First Name Last Name, dir., Title of Film or Documentary, (City: Distributor, Original Release Date of Film), Title of Database or Online Store video, Running Time, URL.

Full note example:

1. Wolfgang Petersen, dir., The NeverEnding Story, (Burbank: Warner Brothers, 1984), Criterion On-Demand video, 94 min.,

Shortened note format:

1. Director(s) Last Name, Shortened Title of Film or Documentary.

Shortened note example:

1. Petersen, The NeverEnding Story.


A single chapter from a feature film or documentary

If you are citing a specific named or numbered scene from a film or documentary, you may treat it in the same way that you would treat a chapter from a book. You do not list anyone as primarily responsible for a specific chapter as the director is responsible for the entire film. The one exception to this might be if a film is composed of several sections directed by different individuals. In that case, you would list the director responsible for the specific section before the title of the section, and list the director of the overall film (if one person is listed as having that responsibility) after the title of the film.

Note: The example below is for a film on DVD. For a film purchased electronically or streamed from an online database, use the same basic format, but include the name of the online store or database and a URL link to the film in your note, just as you would if you were citing the entire film.

Full note format:

1. "Title of Chapter," Title of Film or Documentary, dir. Director(s) First Name Last Name (Original Release Date of the film; City: Distributor, Release Date of Blu-ray or DVD copy), Format, Running Time.

Full note example:

1. "Ham and Eggs," Breathless, dir. Jean-Luc Godard (1960; New York: Criterion, 2007), DVD, 90 min.

Shortened note format:

1. "Shortened Title of Chapter."

Shortened note example:

1. "Ham and Eggs."


A television episode (Blu-ray, DVD or VHS)

When citing an episode of a television series, cite the series first, then the season or series number and episode number, followed by the name of the episode. As with films, the episode's director is considered to be primarily responsible for the episode, so the director's name will usually begin the note. The only exception to this would be if your essay was specifically looking at the work of the writer or of a performer in the episode, in which case, their name(s) would be placed at the beginning of the note.

Whenever possible, the original air date of the episode as well as the television channel where it originally aired is also included in the note.

Full note format:

1. Episode Director(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Series, season or series number, episode number, "Title of Episode," aired Month Day, Year aired, on Channel Where Episode Aired (City: Distributor, Release Date of Blu-ray, DVD or VHS copy), Format.

Full note example:

1. Paul King, dir., The Mighty Boosh, series 2, episode 1, "Call of the Yeti," aired July 25, 2005, on BBC Two (London: BBC, 2006), DVD.

Shortened note format:

1. Episode Director(s) Last Name(s), Shortened Series Title, "Shortened Episode Title."

Shortened note example:

1. King, The Mighty Boosh, "The Call of the Yeti."


A television episode (electronic file or streamed from an online database)

Episodes that are purchased from an online source such as iTunes or Google Play or streamed from an online database such as Netflix are treated the same way as an episode from television series on DVD, with a few changes. For the format, include the name of the online store or database, in italics, followed by the word "video." Include a URL at the end of the citation.

Note: For television episodes that originated on an online streaming database such as Netflix, there is no need to include an "aired date." Instead, simply include the year of release.

Full note format:

1. Episode Director(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Series, season or series number, episode number, "Title of Episode," aired date (City: Distributor, Year of Release on online store or streaming database), Title of Database or Online Store video, URL.

Full note example:

1. Shawn Levy, Stranger Things, season 1, episode 3, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly," (Scotts Valley: Netflix, 2016), Netflix Canada video,

Shortened note format:

1. Episode Director(s) Last Name(s), "Shortened Episode Title."

Shortened note example:

1. Levy, "Holly Jolly."


A video clip (YouTube)

Use this for any video clip found on Youtube or a a similar viedo hosting site online.

Full note format:

1. “Clip Title,” Website Title video, playing time, posted by “Username,” Month Day, Year Posted, URL.

Full note example:

1. “Computation History – Ada Lovelace: Enchantress of Numbers,” YouTube video, 15:39, posted by “BinarycoreMedia,” December 10, 2012,

Shortened note format:

1. "Shortened Clip Title."

Shortened note example:

1. "Computation History - Ada Lovelace."

Notes: Course materials (Style manual sections 14.106 to 14.112, 14.217, and 14.220)

A work in a coursepack

Treat a work in a coursepack the same as if it was a chapter in an edited book. For coursepacks, the editor will always be the teacher for that course, as they are the ones who have selected and arranged the works in the coursepack.

Full note format:

1. Chapter Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Title of Chapter,” in Title of Coursepack, ed. Teacher First Name Last Name (City: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Full note example:

1. Howard Phillips Lovecraft, “The Whisperer in Darkness,” in ENG-102: Horror, ed. Vivian Ralickas (Montreal: Eastman, 2014), 65.

Shortened note format:

1. Chapter Author Last Name, "Shortened Chapter Title," page number.

Shortened note example:

1. Lovecraft, "The Whisperer in Darkness," 65.


A class handout

Use this format for handouts distributed in class or through Omnivox. For any handout that cites an original source (e.g. a short story from a book), cite it as if it was read in the original source instead.

Full note format:

1. Author(s) First Name Last Name, “Title of Handout,” (Class handout, Date Distributed), file format (for electronic files only).

Note example:

1. Amy MacLean, "Preparing a Bibliography, Chicago Style," (Class handout, September 23, 2013), PDF.

Shortened note format

1. Author(s) Last Name, "Shortened Title of Handout."

Shortened note example

1. MacLean, "Preparing a Bibliography."


A class lecture

This format may be used when citing the actual live lecture. If you are citing a recording of a lecture, cite it as a video.

Full note format:

1. Lecturer(s) First Name Last Name, “Title of Lecture,” Location of Lecture, City of Lecture, Province or State of Lecture, Date of Lecture.

Full note example:

1. Matthew Flanagan, "Advanced Library Research Skills,"  Marianopolis College, Westmount, QC, August 28, 2015.

Shortened note format:

1. Lecturer(s) Last Name, “Title of Lecture.”

Shortened note example:

1. Flanagan, "Advanced Library Research Skills."

Notes: Artwork and images (Style manual sections 14.235 to 14.237)

An image or work of art that exists on its own

This includes any painting, photo, sculpture, etc. . . that you saw in its original form (e.g. on display in a museum or art gallery).

Full note format:

1. Artist(s) First Name Last Name, Title of Artwork, Year Created, Medium used, Height x Width (x Depth if applicable), Museum or Gallery that owns the piece, City.

Full note example:

1. Auguste Rodin, The Sirens, 1887-1888, Marble, 44.5 x 45.7 x 27 cm, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal.

Shortened note format:

1. Artist(s) Last Name, Shortened Artwork Title.

Shortened note example:

1. Rodin, The Sirens.

An image or work of art found in a book

Any reproduction of an image or a work of art that you are referencing from a book can be treated as if it were a chapter in the book. Include the work's actual dimensions if they are available in the book.

Full note format:

1. Artist(s) First Name Last Name, Artwork Title, Year Artwork Created, Medium used, Height x Width (x Depth if applicable), in Title of Book, ed. Editor First Name Last Name, Edition information (City: Publisher, Year of publication), figure number (if a figure number is not available, use the page number).

Full note example:

1. Auguste Rodin, The Gates of Hell (entire structure)1880-1900, Plaster, 18'1" x 13'1' x 3'1", in Janson's History of Art: The Western tradition, eds. Penelope J. E. Davis, Walter B. Denny, Frima Fox Hofrichter, Joseph Jacobs, Ann M. Roberts, and David L. Simon, Reissued 8th ed. (Boston: Pearson, 2016), Fig. 26.24.

Shortened note format:

1. Artist(s) Last Name, Shortened Artwork Title, Figure number (if a figure number is not available, use the page number).

Shortened note example:

1. Rodin, The Gates of Hell, Fig. 26.24.


An image or work of art found in a database (e.g. Artstor)

As with journal articles in specific subscription databases, Chicago recommends including the name of the database instead of a URL link. Listing the name of the database makes it easier for your reader to figure out where to go to find the image.

Full note format:

1. Artist(s) First Name Last Name, Artwork Title, Year Created, Medium used, Height x Width (x Depth if applicable), Museum or Gallery that owns the piece, City, Name of Source Database.

Full note example:

1. Auguste Rodin, The Sirens for the Gates of Hell, 1887, Bronze, 44.5 x 45.7 x 27 cm, University of California, San Diego, Artstor.

Shortened note format:

1. Artist(s) Last Name, Shortened Artwork Title.

Shortened note example:

1. Rodin, The Sirens.


An image or work of art found on a website (e.g. through Google Images)

When using an image or work of art that you found on a freely-accessible website, include a URL link to the image at the end of the note.

Note: DO NOT link to an image on Google image search. Google image search is not hosting these images. It is only pulling them from other websites. Instead, visit the source page for the image and link to that page.

Full note format:

1. Artist(s) First Name Last Name, Artwork Title, Year Created, Medium used, Height x Width (x Depth if applicable), Museum or Gallery that owns the piece, City, URL.

Full note example:

1. Auguste Rodin, The Thinker, 1903, Bronze, 189 x 98 x 140 cm, Rodin Museum, Paris,

Shortened note format:

1. Artist(s) Last Name, Shortened Artwork Title.

Shortened note example:

1. Rodin, The Thinker.

Notes: Religious texts (Style manual sections 14.238 to 14.241)

A Biblical or other religious text (includes Bible, Quran, Pseudepigrapha, etc.)

References to the Jewish or Christian scriptures usually appear in notes, but not in bibliographies. However, if your professor wants you to include an entry for the Bible or other religious text in your bibliography, cite the specific version of the text that you used. See the Bibliography section of this guide for details.

A note should include the title of the Book (abbreviated, see sections 10.44-10.48 of The Chicago Manual of Style for a full list), chapter, and verse. You can include the specific version of the Bible used in parentheses after the verse, since specific translations can differ. For other religious texts, include the title of the work (Quran, Upanishads) and any part, chapter, or verse indicators. Again, specific versions can appear in parentheses after the verse information.

Note Format:

1. Book Chapter:Verse (Version).

Note Example:

1. Heb. 13:8 (New Revised Standard Version).

2. Quran 19:17-21 (The Study Quran).

Notes: Indigenous Elders or Knowledge Keepers

Chicago Style citation directs you to treat an interaction with an Indigenous Elder or Knowledge Keeper as a "personal communication," only referencing it in your text or as a note. However, as Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers hold a significant role as carriers of knowledge and history for their respective Nations or Communities, they should not be treated in the same fashion as an email or a phone call. In the spirit of reconciliation, Kwantlen Polytechnic University has developed the following template, which the Marianopolis College Library recommends for use in your work.

Note: If you would like to approach an Elder or Knowledge Keeper for teachings, remember to follow protocol. If you are unsure what their protocol is, please ask them ahead of time.

Note: Only use this format for information that comes from direct communication with an Elder or Knowledge Keeper. If you are using audio or video recordings of interviews with Indigenous Elders or Knowledge Keepers, instead use the format for citing audiovisual materials.

Full note format:

1. Indigenous Elder or Knowledge Keeper First Name Last Name (Elder or Knowledge Keeper), Nation, Topic/subject of communication if applicable, Personal communication, Territorial acknowledgement of where the information was shared, Month Date, Year.

Full note example:

1. Lekeyten (Elder), Kwantlen First Nation, Community Justice, Personal Communication, Shared on the traditional unceded territory of the Kwantlen, Musqueam, Katzie, Semiahmoo, Tsawwassen, Qayquat, and Kwikwetlem Peoples, April 9, 2019.

Shortened note format:

1. Elder Last Name, Shortened Topic/subject of communication.

Shortened note example:

1. Lekeyten, Community Justice.

Notes: Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools

You must first have express permission from your teacher to use a generative AI tool (ChatGPT, Google Bard, etc. . .) in your work at the College. This permission can be given on a course-by-course or even assignment-by-assignment basis. If you are not sure whether you are allowed to use generative AI in an assignment or course, please consult your teacher. Do not assume that, if permission was given by the teacher to use generative AI in one assignment or course, that this permission extends to all work assigned by that teacher in any of their courses.

Whenever you do you generative AI for an assignment, it is your responsibility to use it ethically and within the parameters set by the course. To help you with this, the Office of the Academic Dean has put together to following guide on Artificial Intelligence Tools. Note that this also includes respecting the rules regarding cheating and plagiarism as set out by the Marianopolis IPESA.

This ethical use also includes citing generative AI content and making it clear in your work which content is your own and what is the result of gnerative AI output. To help with this, The Chicago Manual of Style Online has create and Q&A with rules for citing AI in Chicago Style.


Using generative AI in informal contexts

For many types or informal writing, The Chicago Manual of Style states that is is sufficient to acknowledge the AI Tool in your text:


The following recipe was generated using ChatGPT:


Using generative AI in research papers and other formal contexts

For formal writing, such as research papers, Chicago instructs you to use a numbered footnote or endnote for the content, in the following formats, depending on whether you have included the prompt for the generated text in the body of your work or not:

Prompt provided in the body of your work

Full note format:

1. Text Generated by Name of Generative AI, Publisher, Monty Day, Year Generated, URL.

Full note example:

1. Text Generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, May 19, 2023,

Shortened note format:

1. Text Generated by Name of Generative AI.

Shortened note example:

1. Text Generated by ChatGPT.

Prompt not provided in the body of your work

Full note format:

1. Name of Generative AI, response to "Prompt," Publisher, Monty Day, Year Generated, URL.

Full note example:

1. ChatGPT, response to "Discuss the themes of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf," OpenAI, May 19, 2023,

Shortened note format:
1. Name of Generative AI, response to "Shortened version of Prompt."

Shortened note example:
1. ChatGPT, response to "Discuss the themes."

Note: When creating a note for an output that was generated using a particularly long prompt, you may shorten the prompt to the first 160 characters in your note. This follows the same rules for titles set out for social media posts (14.209). When doing this, it is important to make sure that the sense of the original prompt is retained. For the shortened note format, you may shorten the title further, so long a it is still identifiable as the same prompt used in the previous long format note, and distinguishable from other notes for AI-generated content.

Note: The shortened note format can only be used when you are citing the same output from a single session with a generative AI. If you are using content that is the result of different prompts or sessions, each result of an individual prompt will need to be cited separately using the full note format.


Citing generative AI: Editing content

If you have edited the output created by generative AI, you should include "edited for style and content" at the end of the note. This does not include simple edits such as adjusting the font or applied smart quotes.


1. ChatGPT, response to "Discuss the themes of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf," OpenAI, May 19, 2023,, edited for style and content.


Citing generative AI and bibliographies

Do not include generative AI in your bibliography, unless you provide a publicly available link in both the footnote and the bibliography entry. The link provided by ChatGPT and many other generative AI programs are not sharable to anyone other than the user that originally prompted the content. A few examples of reliable browser extensions that will create publicly available links to Generative AI output are:

Notes: Index

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, is available for consultation at the Reference Desk in the Library.

Creative Commons License All original content in the Marianopolis College Library LibGuides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.