You can access these or any other of the Library's databases from the Library Page on the Marianopolis Website or through our A-Z list of databases.
To log in to any of the Library's databases, please follow these step-by-step instructions.
The Library has three eBook databases. The contents of these databases are linked directly through the Library Catalogue, so we recommend that you search for eBooks through the Catalogue instead of searching through the databases individually. However, when you are off campus, or when you want to access a book that you already know is in one of our eBook databases, you will need to log in to the databases directly. As a result, we have provided links to the eBook databases below. These databases can also be found in the Books and eBooks section of the Library page on the Marianopolis website.
Cairn - Collection ouvrages comprend plus de 21 000 ouvrages académiques en science humaines et sciences sociales.
Veuillez noter : Pour accédez seulement les ouvrages du Cairn, tu dois faire une recherche et après sélectionner « Ouvrages » sous « Filtrer par – Types de publications » dans le menu à gauche de l’écran.
With more than 70,000 items in a wide range of academic subjects, Ebook Central is the Library's largest collection of eBooks. Every book in this collection can be viewed by an unlimited number of users, so none of the books are ever unavailable.
These databases contain articles from both academic journals (journals that are written, edited and published by experts in academic fields) and some popular magazines (written by journalists or other professional authors). They cover a wide range of subjects, including the Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts, and more. These databases can also be found in the Journal and newspaper articles section of the Library page on the Marianopolis website.
Cairn - Collection revues comprend 634 revues académiques en science humaines et science sociales.
Veuillez noter : Pour accédez seulement les revues académiques du Cairn, tu dois faire une recherche et après sélectionner « Revues » sous « Filtrer par – Types de publications » dans le menu à gauche de l’écran.
Érudit est un projet de l’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval, l’UQAM, et d’autres partenaires. Il contient plus de 300 revues scientifiques et culturelles canadiennes en français et en anglais, incluant un grand nombre de ressources en libre accès.
These databases contain articles from Canadian and some international newspapers, as well as a selection of other news sources. These databases can also be found in the Journal and newspaper articles section of the Library page on the Marianopolis website.
Eureka contient plus que 35,612 ressources, incluant des sources provenant de la presse, du télévision et radio, des médias sociaux, et des sites web. La plupart des sources sont en français d’origine québécoise ou canadienne, mais il y a aussi des ressources françaises de la France, ainsi que des ressources en anglais, espagnol, portugais, et allemand.
The following image database is especially useful for art history students, although students in other disciplines can find some interesting uses for it as well. These databases can also be found in the Art and images section of the Library page on the Marianopolis website.
ARTstor is an extensive image library for the Arts and Sciences. It contains digital images from major museum collections around the world, archival images, and images of important works of architecture. It is useful for all disciplines, but especially for students of Art History.
Note: As of August 2024, Artstor has been fully migrated to the JSTOR platform. The Artstor content and functionality are still available through the JSTOR platform. Searches may be performed through the JSTOR image search.
The Library subscribes to the following film-streaming databases. Your teachers may, from time-to-time, show films from any of these databases or ask you to view a film on your own time. These databases can also be found in the Films and music section of the Library page Marianopolis website.
The National Film Board of Canada's / Office National du film du Canada database offers you access to thousands of NFB-produced streaming films, including Canadian documentaries, experimental films, and more.
For all of your music research needs, the Library has compiled the following LibGuide of reliable Music resources. It is intended primarily for students of music and music history, but the resources in the guide could be useful to anyone that is exploring a music-related subject:
The Library's dictionary and encyclopedia databases are a great source for quick information or for getting background information on a topic when you're beginning your research. They cover a wide range of subjects, so it is likely that you will find useful information on your research topics in one or more of the following databases. These databases can also be found in the Dictionaries and encyclopedias section of the Library page on the Marianopolis website.
Britannica Academic is a general encyclopedia that contains brief information on a wide range of subjects. It's a good starting point for any type of research.
Encyclopedia Universalis est la plus importante encyclopédie généraliste de langue française. Elle est dédiée à la recherche documentaire, la culture générale, et l’enseignement.
Le Grand Robert & Collins est le plus grand dictionnaire bilingue français / anglais, incluant des traductions des mots et des expressions, avec les traductions appropriées en contexte.
Le Petit Robert est une dictionnaire française comprenant 60 000 mots, 300 000 sens, 185 000 exemples d’emploi, l’étymologie, la phonétique, les synonymes, et les contraires. Contient également 35 000 citations littéraires.
Multidictionnaire de la langue française en ligne est une dictionnaire française qui intègre dans un seul outil tous les renseignements utiles sur l’orthographe, la grammaire, les difficultés, la conjugaison, la syntaxe, les anglicismes, la typographie, les québécismes, les abréviations, les interférences entre le français et l’anglais, et la correspondance.
Qurʾānic Studies Online is a collection of valuable resources for close readings of the Qur’ān. It contains: