You can access these or any other of the Library's databases from the Library Page on the Marianopolis Website or through our A-Z list of databases.
To log in to any of the Library's databases, please follow these step-by-step instructions.
Eureka contient plus que 35,612 ressources, incluant des sources provenant de la presse, du télévision et radio, des médias sociaux, et des sites web. La plupart des sources sont en français d’origine québécoise ou canadienne, mais il y a aussi des ressources françaises de la France, ainsi que des ressources en anglais, espagnol, portugais, et allemand.
The websites you will find on this page were specifically selected by the Library in consultation with your professor to support your research. As a result, you can trust that they will be reliable sources of information.
However, it is important that you always think critically about any source you use. This is particularly important when using sources that you have found on the internet. To help you with this, the College has developed a simple test, the PAARC test, that you can use with any resource.