The Statistics Canada website has a wealth of statistical information about Canadians and the Canadian economy, including data from the census going back to 1991. Data is updates regular and data sets can be customized to make hundreds of comparisons. Summaries and interpretations of data are also published regularly.
Searchable census data from and reports on the 2021 Canadian Census. Archived data from the 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016 Censuses are also available for comparison purposes.
L’Institut de la statistique du Québec est l’organisme gouvernemental ayant pour mission de fournir des informations statistiques fiables et objectives quant à tous les aspects de la société québécoise pour lesquels de telles informations sont pertinentes.
With data available up to 2022, this Industry Canada website is a valuable resource for information about the financial performance of industries across Canada. You have the option to browse industries to find the specific industry you want, search by NAICS codes, and even restrict data to the performance of individual industries in a specific province.