EBSCO is a collection of ten databases that you can search simultaneously, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Choose as many or as few as you want. Once you have selected your databases, you can search for terms such as "Native Americans" under "SU Subject Terms" to find the most relevant results. When searching EBSCO, don't forget to click on "Full-Text" and "Peer Reviewed."
JSTOR is a multidisciplinary database that covers a wide range of arts and science topics. It is an archival database, which means that most content in JSTOR is at least 5 years old. This also means that many of its resources go back decades, which makes it an excellent source for background information on a topic.
Canadian Business and Current Affairs Reference (CBCA) Complete is a multidisciplinary database of Canadian content. It includes Canadian magazines and scholarly journals that cover a wide range of subjects in the social sciences, humanities and sciences. When searching CBCA Complete, click beside "Full Text" and "Peer Reviewed" below the search boxes to make sure you're getting the scholarly articles you need.
Encyclopedia Britannica is a general encyclopedia that contains brief information on a wide range of subjects. It's a good starting point for any type of research.
Gale eBooks is a collection of over 300 specialized reference sources on a wide range of topics. Of particular interest is the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, The Encyclopedia Judaica, the New Catholic Encyclopedia, The African American Almanac, and the Encyclopedia of World Biography.
Oxford Reference contains more than 200 specialized reference titles. You can search all 200 titles at once, or search by specific discipline (e.g. literature, medicine and health, music, etc.).