You can access these or any other of the Library's databases from the Library Page on the Marianopolis Website or through our A-Z list of databases.
To log in to any of the Library's databases, please follow these step-by-step instructions.
Britannica Academic is a general encyclopedia that contains brief information on a wide range of subjects. It's a good starting point for any type of research.
Encyclopedia Universalis est la plus importante encyclopédie généraliste de langue française. Elle est dédiée à la recherche documentaire, la culture générale, et l’enseignement.
The best and fastest way to find books and ebooks on your topic is to Search the Library Catalogue.
You can also search the Library's ebook databases directly. For history research, we recommend the following databases:
With more than 70,000 items in a wide range of academic subjects, Ebook Central is the Library's largest collection of eBooks. Every book in this collection can be viewed by an unlimited number of users, so none of the books are ever unavailable.