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345-101-MQ: Jesus: He's Everywhere (Miceli): Home

This LibGuide helps students in Calogero Miceli's 345-101-MQ: Jesus: He's Everywhere course to perform effective research for their final assignment.

Guide Summary

In this guide, you will find resources that you can use for the assignments in Professor Miceli's 345-101-MQ: Jesus: He's Everywhere course. This guide contains a list of useful sources for your final paper, which will be an exploration of a contemporary pop culture medium and how the figure of Jesus and the Christian tradition relates to that medium.

This guide has 3 sections. They are:

Please note:

All items listed in this guide are either part of the Marianopolis College Library Collection, or come from a reputable online source.

This is a selective list, not an exhaustive one. Don't hesitate to do some more searching on your own. You can always try the additional resources listed on the Library section of the Marianopolis website:

Or you can try searching the Library's Catalogue:

Don't forget that the librarians can always help you find more information if you need it, so don't hesitate to ask!

We're here to help!

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Matthew Flanagan
Marianopolis College Library
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