You can access these or any other of the Library's databases from the Library Page on the Marianopolis Website or through our A-Z list of databases.
To log in to any of the Library's databases, please follow these step-by-step instructions.
Specific journals that are contained within these database that may be of interest to you are:
To search for articles in a particular Anthropology journal, enter the journal's name into the first search box and select "SO Source" from the drop-down menu. Then enter your search terms in the second and third search boxes.
When searching EBSCO, don't forget to click on "Full-Text" and "Peer Reviewed".
Specific journals that are contained in JSTOR that may be of interest to you are:
Overall, JSTOR offers access to more than 120 Anthropology and 130 Archaeology journals. To restrict your searches to just these disciplines, use the "Journal Filter Narrow by Discipline and/or Journal" filtering option in JSTOR's advanced search. This option will let you limit your search by discipline, or even by specific journal title.